- Today you were collecting the results for your bacteria lab. You can now begin putting together your formal lab write up which will be due next week.
- Also some notes and powerpoint today in preparation for your Bacteria quiz which will be happening this Friday (January 24th).
- Bacterial Growth and Reproduction powerpoint is here.
- Other Bacteria powerpoint is here.
- Your midyear exam will be happening on Friday, February 7th. It will cover all topics from the start of the year to now (bacteria).
Biology 12 - Period 7
- Today you were carrying out your controlled experiments using the enzyme catalase. I think every group was able to collect some usable data, so now you can start thinking about putting together your formal lab.
- We will finish up the enzyme notes next class.
Science 8 - Period 8
- A few notes to start followed by the always popular Onion Cell Lab.
- I think everyone saw some onion cells and perhaps their nuclei.
- You will be handing in your completed lab at the start of next class.