Finished the brain parts and functions. Check out Mr. Split Brainy if you'd like at the Split Brain website. Started the notes on the peripheral nervous system which we will finish on Friday.
Nervous system test will be happening on Tuesday, May 10th. The sooner you begin your preparations the better!
Some links if you need them.
Biology 11 - Periods 2 and 4
Started chapter 27 by looking at the Phylum Mollusca. Links to the powerpoint and notes are below.
Don't forget you are writing a chapter 26 test next class (Friday, May 6th). Please prepare for this one as there is a lot of material to review.
Earth Science 11 - Period 3
Finished up the Deep Ocean documentary and moved on to discuss ocean current. The oceanography powerpoint can be found below. There will be an oceanography test coming up next week (Tuesday, May 10th).