Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 - Day 2

Biology 12 - Period 1
Transmission of a nerve impulse.  Sodium ions, potassium ions, channels, pumps, gated channels, action potential, refractory period and so on.  Lots going on.  
Here are some links if you need to review the powerpoint or worksheets.

Biology 11 - Periods 2 and 4
Porifera and Cnidaria powerpoints.  Lots of info and pretty pictures.  Hope you enjoyed them.  Keep up with the worksheets.  Platyhelminthes and Nematoda are due next day. 
Some links for your enjoy enjoyment.
Earth Science 11 - Period 3
Intro to Oceanography.  Short powerpoint with some links to youtube videos.
Here is a link to the powepoint.