Friday, June 14, 2013

Urinary System

Urinary System powerpoint
Urinary System notes

Thursday, June 13th, 2013 - Day 1

Biology 12 - Periods 1 and 4
  • Final exams.  I hope everyone did well.
  • Congratulations on completing the course.
Biology 11 - Period 2
  • Congratulations on completing the course.
Biology 11 - Period 3
  • Final exam today.  I hope everyone did well.
  • Congratulations on completing the course.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 - Day 2

Biology 11 - Period 6

  • Final exam today folks.  I hope everyone did well!
  • Please return books to Ms. King in the room across from mine.
Earth Science 11 - Period 7
  • The end of the video.  Finally!

Biology 12 - Period 8

  • Final exam today folks.  I hope everyone did well!
  • Please return books to Ms. King in the room across from mine.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013 - Day 1

Biology 12 - Periods 1 and 4

Biology 11 - Periods 2 and 3

  • Some class time today to prep for your final exam which is happening next class (Wednesday, June 12th).  Please take some time to prepare for this challenging exam.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday, June 10th, 2013 - Day 2

Biology 11 - Period 6

  • Some class time today to prep for your final exam which is happening next class (Wednesday, June 12th).  Please take some time to prepare for this challenging exam.
Earth Science 11 - Period 7
  • Space video!
  • Some of you who were absent today need to see me asap regarding your final exam.  For those of you who are expected to write a final exam, it will be happening on Friday, June 14th during our regularly scheduled class.
Biology 12 - Period 8

Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday, June 7th, 2013 - Day 1

Biology 12 - Periods 1 and 4

  • Final day of your fetal pig dissection today.  Please make sure it is completed and handed in by Tuesday of next week.
  • You will be writing a final exam next Thursday (June 13th).  Please begin your preparation this week.  This exam will cover all material from September until now.
Biology 11 - Periods 2 and 3
  • Last day to finish your projects which were due today.
  • You will be writing a final exam next Thursday (June 13th).  Please begin your preparation this week.  This exam will cover all material from September until now.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

Biology 11 - Period 6
  • Last class for project work.
  • Your projects are due next class, please get them to me before the end of the day.
Earth Science 11 - Period 7
  • First day of our space science movie.
Biology 12 - Period 8
  • Last day for the fetal pig dissection.  Please complete the written section and have it ready for next class.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013 - Day 1

Biology 12 - Periods 1 and 4
  • Fetal pig dissection today.  You will complete this activity next class.  Please be sure to attend.
  • You should be thinking about your final exam which will be happening next week (Thursday, June 13th).
Biology 11 - Periods 2 and 3
  • Class time to work on your projects.  These will be due on Friday.  No exceptions.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013 - Day 2

Biology 11 - Period 6
  • Last plant quiz today.  Angiosperms and gymnosperms.
  • Only one class left to work on your plant projects before the due date this Friday.  I will not be accepting projects after this date.
Earth Science 11 - Period 7
  • Hubble telescope assignment today.
Biology 12 - Period 8
  •  Fetal pig dissection day 1.  You will complete this assignment on Thursday.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday, June 3rd, 2013 - Day 1

Biology 12 - Periods 1 and 4
  • Reproductive System Test today.  I hope everyone did well.
Biology 11 - Periods 2 and 3
  • Gymnosperm and angiosperm quiz today, followed by time to work on your projects.
  • Your projects are due THIS FRIDAY, no exceptions.  Please continue to work towards completion by the due date.